The Terrafugia website invites interested parties to order now by putting down a $7,400 deposit www.terrafugia.com/deposit.html. The Terrafugia VP of Sales and Marketing appears to be one Alex B.Min. And he will, I'm sure, be found 'B min' like a cheshire cat if enough people fall for that one.
The man behind the Transition is an MIT prodigy called Carl Dietrich: www.boston.com/yourlife/articles/2006/02/15/baby_you_can_fly_my_car/
This article claims that Dietrich has a 'portfolio' of novel inventions, including a "desktop-sized fusion reactor". So not only has Carl solved the problem of controlled fusion, and thereby solved all the world's energy problems in one fell swoop, but he has done so without the use of huge lasers and superconducting magnets, in a handy desktop-sized package. And, not only that, but he's decided to concentrate on the flying car instead.
It's not really a flying car,is it? It's just a plane that can taxi for longer distances.
And fold up its wings, Neil. Don't forget that. If it didn't fold up its wings, it might be considered a nuisance to other road users.
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