Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Blind light

Today I happened to be in London, and the opportunity arose in the afternoon to visit either the Star Wars exhibition, or Antony Gormley's exhibition, 'Blind Light', at the Hayward...

There were some very cool installations at the Gormley exhibition. The centrepiece is 'Blind Light', a room suffuse with water vapour and bright fluorescent light. Within moments of entering, you lose sight of anyone else, and everything becomes a complete white-out. Coughing in the water vapour, you stumble forward until a subtle darkening indicates that you're approaching one of the glass walls. Eventually your outstretched hand touches glass, and you begin to feel your way around.

Also very cool are the sentinels placed on various buildings around the Hayward. There are even some in the far distance, on buildings across the Thames. And in terms of a demonstration of craft, I was most impressed by 'Matrices and Expansions', a collection of 3-d polygonal wireframe meshes, with human figures embedded within.


  1. Anonymous11:48 pm

    Probably better off at the Star Wars exhibition I think...

  2. It was £16.50 though...

  3. Anonymous9:16 pm

    Well George Lucas needs the money you know!!!

  4. Anonymous11:14 am

    Thanks for the tip, Gordon. I'm really looking forward to seeing this next time I'm in town.


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