(i) Vortex tubes tend to stretch, and upon stretching, they 'burst' into vortex sheets.
(ii) Vortex sheets rolls up under Kelvin-Helmholtz instability into sequences of vortex tubes, (as seen in the diagram just above here).
As a result of these processes, the vorticity in a fluid is extruded into increasingly thinner sheets and tubes, until eventually it reaches the length scales at which viscous effects dominate, and the turbulent energy is dissipated into heat.

P.A.Davidson's explanation for the generation of these hydrodynamical parasites, (ibid., p141-142), begins by assuming the existence of spanwise vortex lines in the boundary layer. A turbulent streamwise fluctuation in the velocity field distorts such vortex lines, creating perturbed segments which resemble sections of a vortex ring. Vorticity generates its own velocity field, and the curvature in the perturbed vortex tube causes the tip of the tube to rise upwards. The higher the tip of the vortex rises in the boundary layer, the higher the mean streamwise velocity, with the consequence that the vortex tube gets stretched even further in a streamwise direction. This is a positive feedback process, causing the tip of the vortex to rise yet higher.

Now, at this Reynolds number, the wake turbulence contained a Karman vortex street; i.e, staggered rows of counter-rotating spanwise vortices. What Sandham et al found was that the spanwise Karman vortex street interacts in a complex manner with the streamwise vortex tubes generated in the turbulent boundary layer upstream of the trailing edge. In fact, the streamwise vortex tubes strain, intensify, and eventually destroy the Karman vortices.
The flow regime of a Formula One car has a Reynolds number of ~ 106, which is just about the upper limit for any sort of vortex street pattern to be distinguishable from random turbulence, so it's unlikely that this research is directly relevant to Formula 1. It is, however, an interesting taste of the hydrodynamical complexity yet to be revealed.
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